Resident Stories
Posted on January 18, 2021

A Busy Household of Four Finds Harmony, in Harmony.

This professional couple first visited Harmony about six years ago when the community was just establishing its first phase. Arif and Gena were in the process of building a home in Valley Ridge and wanted to look around at some new design ideas. Three years later they sold that home and immediately knew that they needed to rediscover Harmony.

They decided to rent short term in Harmony to get a sense of what their family needed both in a home and a community. They did not want to immediately jump into another home, instead, they took their time deciding what worked best for their family. Gena was originally hesitant about the commute but quickly realized just how close Harmony is to Calgary “I really enjoy and love my time commuting to and from to work. The 8-minute drive to the city is worth the larger lot sizes, the safe and connected feeling that Harmony brings. We fell in love and now we never want to leave”.

Being so close to the city still allowed them to carry out regularly scheduled activities as well. “Working in the city with the hustle-bustle we love to come home to Harmony where it is super quiet, we even head into Canmore for dinner on a regular basis as it gets you right into the mountains and is a beautiful drive.”

Arif is a big golfer and was immediately drawn to the Mickelson Golf Course, while the rest of the family loved how harmonious the community felt with all the amenities. Life felt balanced, offered exactly what they were looking for, and opened the door for their many outdoor hobbies. Daughters Myleya (3) and Megan (19) quickly settled into lake life enjoying the beaches, connected pathways, and play-ground areas.

This community has something for everyone of any age. “When you are here you feel like you are in harmony, it is peaceful, there is so much to do. Everyone shares that same common sense of community and wanting to be here. People literally wave at you as you drive down the road here.”

The Maherali’s decided on a spacious lot in the Tamarack Estate Collection that backs onto a beautiful green space, capitalizing on a view of the mountains. With a tentative move-in date set for August 2021, this family looks forward to settling into their new space with Calbridge Homes. “All the builders here are amazing. We just felt that the process that Calbridge goes through reminds us of what we are used to and how we like to work with a builder. We know what we want, and they were so patient with us while sourcing what we needed”.

“If you want a really good, safe community with lots of things for the family to do, consider Harmony. You can be from 1 – 99 and still love the sense of peace and calmness that Harmony brings. It truly is a community that has thought of all age groups”.

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